This giveaway is no longer running since there is already a winner.
This giveaway is no longer running since there is already a winner.

First giveaway for animoe.net blog and the price: Figma Haruhi Suzumiya Summer Version.
More pictures and review from autaku blog.
All you have to do is a comment to this post and you are done. Very simple!
Even if you are a new reader and have just found this blog.
What can I comment? Whatever you like. For example, how you found this blog, what do you like or dislike about it, Why would you like to be in SOS brigade.
There is no comment limit number either. You can keep posting to increase your chances.
Day limit to post will be Sunday July 25th.
Winner will be selected randomly and will be announced in the blog and in my twitter account.
Apply now because in future giveaways things will get harder. ^^
I would expect a Haruhi photoshoot later from the happy owner.
Feel free to follow/add me in Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Buzz.
Ready, set, Go!!!!
Some people has been asking me the reason for this giveaway. The answer: no particular reason but If any I think It is because 10 years ago I started my web project leading me where I am now. ^^
Also, would be a good idea if you can click in our adsense and sponsor links because thanks to them I can do this giveaway.
ello Phossil just thought I would leave a comment saying you are awesome, you have been one of the first followers of my own blog and always leave comments, which kinda puts me to shame cos although I do follow this blog and read the posts I don't often comment, ^^; I'm not very good at leaving comments on blogs, never know what to say.
But I'll say this keep it up I enjoy reading your posts ^^
I can has Haruhi nao?
Wow, that's the simplest figure giveaway I've ever seen. Thanks for offering it.
Hello there!
One of the figmas I don't have. ;)
Oooh... I hate to just comment and run just for the giveaway >_< I'd feel guilty... Hmm and how come I don't have you on the bloglist?? I'll add you now, lol, sorry ^^;
I have yet to fix up my blog yet, I worry too much about content >.>
I don't have a figma, give it to me naow, I wants to touch and take pictures of it to share with the world!
I honestly have never owned an anime figure before... It'd be nice to actually win one for once! ^_^
This is relevant to my interests.
Hey a giveaway right on ^^ I feel bad that I haven't done one yet after all this time.
@OptimisticPenguin: Thx. I enjoy reading your blog a lot.
@CyberStrike: mmm, Lets see what others have to say.
@Nopy: This is the way I would like to be in a giveaway, so I figure to make this one exactly that way. ^^
@Yunamon: Hey, welcome. Do you plan to be around for a while?
@Optic: really? well this is your chance. Lol.
@Lightning Sabre: Yeah, you are right. Maybe next time I will do something more elaborated that this one, but for the moment, enjoy cause you are in the contest.
@Jamaipanese: No Figmas? I think its time to re-focus your figure priorities. lol.
@John Eagle: I hope you can find in this blog much more than just anime figures. ^^
@White: Surely do!
@Persocom: Would be nice if this Giveaway is an inspiration to others to do the same. More free goodies then.. >_<
Well, I found this blog because you left a comment in my page's shoutbox, in shinseki anime n,n
Thanks a lot for the offer... actually it's the coolest offer I've seen... no one gives such a nice figma that easily. It would be more than excellent if I could have it, but anyone who gets it will be very lucky.
>w< But who am I kidding?? I would loveeee to have it!!! But really... usually I'm not that lucky lamentably... xD
By the way... it's nice to know your blog... I had a blogspot too... but my account was hacked and now I can't access it u.u that makes me very sad 'cause I've had it for years... If you want to visit it the URL is: http://sensuishinobu.blogspot.com It's mostly about personal stuff... Anyways... hope you like it n,n I put lots of effort into it.. in the design too... xD
If I can I'll write again n,n and hope you keep visiting my shinseki anime page as I'll keep visting yours.
- Wakis
ooooOo... Haruhi, come fly to me!! xD
~hows everyone doing lately?
meh, Im studying for my test tomorrow, muahahah xD
Heya! Nice Blog! :D
haruhii looks so cute~
anyway how's everyone weekend?
@Mao: Haiii! xD Im studying, I know I know its boring but still............. xD How are you eh?
Indeed I'm inspired. I've wanted to do a giveaway for both my blog's anniversaries, but it never worked out that way :/ I will do it some day for sure though.
oh hi~
thanks for hosting this very easy giveaway, :D
just found this through the figure.fm post~
I've recently really been interested in Haruhi figma so this is pretty well timed XD
gonna go read some of the blog now~ (isn't that backwards? XD;)
I want to attend this giveaway because I dont have a Haruhi Figma, and I found that your blog is quite interesting so I begin to browse thru your blog xD
Hehehe, Why don't you look at mine too then? xD
Since no one is talking around here, I'll tell a random joke:
Knock, knock
Who's there?
You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil?
You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil who?
Nevermind, it's pointless.
~ha.. ha xD
lol so your the person behind the fighting konata, when i saw that you gave her gloves i was like ohh my god is she gonna do a shoruyken
Sorry about the first post xD
I just did it out of nowhere.
Anyways, I find that this giveaway very easy, therefore I am going to join everyone in this giveaway. xD
I hope everyone have fun and stuff. I hope someone talk to me haha, not being desparate or anything but I find that people just post once and then leave xD. so...... yesh here I come! *jumps into action with a banana* ~ Wait what?! xD
You're just giving one away? That's very generous of you!
I love following and reading Blogs about anime and any related stuff.
Its like taking me to Japan and making me drool for it
*put your blog on my bookmark*
Now, I have new blog to read every time I go online
I've tried posting using my Livejournal and Wordpress account, but I always fail, anyone knows why?
Hello there!!
You have very nice pictures in there, hope i can get something like yours on my site, i started a blog for spanish spoken people here in my country in Chile South America, please visit.
I want this toy *-* jajaj
Good luck everyone with this giveaway!!!
ei! wassup! im a new reader and i dont know too much bout you but hope we can be a good friends! also i really love your photo's..i enjoyed looking at em :3
Hey, phossil. How's it going. I go by launel on DC.
One thing amusing about these wonderful giveaways is that I think a lot of folks who enter these contests have their own anime blog and some even have their own contests. I was thinking that it would be funny if all of us were blogging anime and offering these contests. The result would be that we would end up circulating toys just amongst ourselves.
I never get everything, so is more like to say hello and hang in there with your blog, everything starts slow, if it doesnt, well.. easy come easy go :P
Which reminds me of the giveaways/contests where you need to design the mascot (make fanart of an already created mascot). xD If you also need one and if my style suits you, let me know (mail: eefi{at}kanojo.de).
i just leave this message and get the chance to win a FIGMA?! AWESOME! O.O
there's one thing that i've been wondering about the haruhi suzumiya anime: why is it suddenly growing in popularity recently? any feedback will be appreciated. i'm baffled.
sorry, i don't have a twitter account *gasp* (maybe i'll just hi-jack my sister's then >8D). i'll just follow you on facebook instead. mwehehehehe
Eh, let's join in and see what happens.
You've taken precautions that no spambot or anything will win, right? :p
Yo just saw your post in figure.fm and now I'll be posting too hoping to be chosen haha
Anyways, why would I like to be in the SOS club? Its because HARUHI SUZUMIYA is the Chief of that club nothing more nothing less! I'm a volatile Harutard LOL anyways keep up the good work!
heaven sent...haruhi-chan. .. the destruction with a single irritation. . .tsundere. . .haha. . .
wait you got exam on sunday?? now that's what I call screw school.......
@Wakis: cool to have you in here too! we should exchange banners.
@EXkurogane: Will add you in my blogroll ASAP. ^^
@Monochii: Gambatte!!
@Kxela: thx. its nice because you found it.
@Mao: Im going out in a while. ~_~
@Persocom: I was thinking the same but blog anniversary had just passed. lol.
@Shinchi: thanks for visiting.
@ē¾ē¾½: Make sure to add me in your feeds as well.
@Tuan: Im doing interesting new friends with the giveaway. ^^
@Eugene: Will do.
@yoitzyoboituaN: that was a really random comment. lol.
@Anonymous: make sure to leave a nametag for reference.
@Archangel Shear: Dont know what to say. *_*
@Takuya: havent tried wordpress or livejournal.
@rodandres: Que viva Chile! Que bueno tenerte de visita por aca. Me pregunto cuantos mas seran de habla Hispana?
@Eefi: Are you good drawning? Im in the process of having a mascot.
@Ann: Because Haruhi Rocks!!
@Mr. Kammy: Dont worry, SOS brigade will take care of it. ^^
hello, it's the 4th time I have a chance to have figma Haruhi lol...
1st until 3rd are when HLJ give free shipping and when Hobbysearch they give discount for shipping.
however, still don't really think I'll get this though, it's just maybe haruhi doesn't want me to...
nice blog u have here. it goes without saying i'm here for the haruhi. haha. but all in all, this site has potential in publishing japan's sub culture. ^^
Well, might as well test my luck~
More or less, I was lead here from a friend of mine who saw your advertisement in figure FM, so here I am~
....and I Never had a figma in my life before......sad isn't it? XD
I still don't own any Figma or any Figures, except Ai Enma and some SEED girls.
Haruhi will be nice wd them
by the way, you said more than one comment is possible, so when should I post again? is it after you reply mine?
and as for giveaway, I've just known that some people really like to give a giveaway, while the first that I've known to do that is gunpla-inochi.
still can't understand why though ^^
but anyway, thanks for holding a giveaway chance.
seems you missed the part that you can post as many comment as you can as written above
Giveaways are just about the best way to boost blog followers :P I know one of the blogs I read regularly now, I found because of a giveaway from Figure.fm ^^;
I've never used this kind before, though. It took me forever to find out how to comment XDD
yeah, that's what I thought.
but that would make something like spam message if someone really want to multi-reply.
Lots of giveaways and contests lately. I hope that I win this one. ^ ^
I usually like to comment and to strike a conversation so this might be fun.
It's ok if you don't have a Figma, just depends on your tastes.Do you prefer scale figures instead?
If you think that you are a Harutard then don't say her name backwards. It's Suzumiya Haruhi. ę¶¼å®®ćć«ć ≠ Haurhi Suzumiya
Hello! I follow you on Twitter, and when I read the words Haruhi and Giveaway I knew I had to stop by...I shall brave any chances to see more Haruhi! ^^
Hullo! This might be futile in doing so, but hey it's Haruhi:)
Hii! Congrats on your first giveaway and thank you for being so generous as to offer it ^_^ I'll follow your blog from now on!
I hope to win Haruhi! My summer uniform Haruhi's ponytail hair became damaged, and that's a big reason why I wanted her ;_;
@Phossil: yes its really random because no one was talking so I might as well bring up somethig to start a conversation. xD
@Mao: Monochii is me, why u ask? its cuz I didnt have a google account, so here I am, already made a google account. Therefore Im...here xD. and yeh Its Pharmacy technician school. Its every Saturday...
@David ^_^
You already have a Summer Haruhi and because you damaged it you want a new one?
While I understand why you want a new one (as it happens to me), it was your responsibility to take care of it.
Nice giveaway! Sign me up! :D
Do you guys just post a comment and leave? xD c'mon talk to meh!
Nice to hear from a Guatemalan Otaku (specially if he's offering such a simple giveaway ^^). How is the post office/customs service over there?
Hello, again! n,n I'm Wakis from Shinseki Anime!! :P
This is an assault! Give me Haruhi or your blog will suffer the consequences!!! xD Just kidding :P
By the way... I'm from Guatemala too n,n
By the way Phossil, how many comments are you aiming for?
Usually, my blog has an average of 3-5 comments. ^ ^;
@flawlessexa: Its probably unlimited or something.
Phossil said something about breaking the comments record on figure.fm. So I am wonder about how much comments that would take.
woah!~ i cant be3lieve that there would be a lot to enter..haha..now i have feelings that i wont win..anyways..goodluck to all of us and!
phossil..can we made a link exchange? OwO
That's the easiest giveaway ever :D
This is the first time I read your blog, by the way. Awesome stuff here.
Awesome WonFes stuff, anyone checking them out?
@flawlessexa: I have been updated with every info about Wonfest... looking at all of them makes me wanna have them all.
o.o Wow... there are a lot of comments now... I guess we all feel like we won't win Dx
I never had so much comments in my blog xD I usually only had one per post if I was lucky haha :P
- Wakis
@Wakis: Its probably cuz of the giveaway and people just, you know, having a good conversation, except I couldnt find a decent conversation cuz people just post and go xD
We all have a very low chance. Even if we comment alot, our chance is still low. It's better but not high at all. So it's all luck.
It's gun though. ^ ^
Awesome stuff at WonFes. I will need to get a job if I hope to even buy 1 of them.
I still realized that it will last until the 25th. Lots of days of fun. ^ ^;;;
You think we can hit 150 comments?
@flawlessexa: its fine if we didnt win, at least we entered... oh yeh I want soo many nendoroids at the Wonfest. Dam, i dont even have a job and Im buying all these Figurines T__T
Yeah, same with me. I am kinda out now. So I have to get a job. I can barely pay off the rest of my pre-orders, so I can't pre-order anymore unless I get a job.
I guess it's over.
I hope you were happy with the result, Phossil.
@Flawlessexa: yeh thatsa true but if they're sold out then the price increases....basically, Im just using my savings I hope it'll last me for a while. Gosh looking at them figurines makes me cry and happy at the same time cuz I lose money and gain something new. haha
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks to choosing to link to my site and for giving credit. It looks like the giveaway is going well! ^^
well, I came to this page from your page though lol.
search figure.fm after your post about giveaway
I follow the blog for so long that not even remember how I found it.
lol, really? ^ ^;;;
That's exactly what I did too. Except my savings are gone now. They lasted me a year of purchases.
If there's something that I REALLY want, then I will use my secret savings...lol
Ah looks like im barging in last minute ^^
Did you manage to send out my meishi ;-P
@all: Ok, Im closing the giveaway. thanks everyone to be here, leave your comments (77 so far) and to friend up.
@Blowfish: Yeah sure, Its on its way now. ^^
@r1ff: almost from the beginning, pal.
Damn, talk about a post of pure joy. She even has a camera which is great because I need an assistant.
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