Drossel photoshoot

Even with her broken joints, Drossel decided to do a reasonable photoshoot, this time using a black background. For the setup I used an additional light bulb source in an attempt to recreate the proper photoshoot setup in this case.

If you are an avid observer, you can notice that I used white masking tape to keep attached Drossel arms. I tried to glue the joints but the surface its too small.

For some pics, photoshop to the rescue. I did some image manipulation in an attempt to hide the broken joints, or at least to make them less obvious.

Not even, Drossel broken joints will stop her to do photoshoots. Lol.


Yi said...

I really thought you had fixed it. Nice shots. Completely covered up the broken arm. I don't even know which arm is the bad one. ^ ^

Fariz Asuka said...

Very nice shots of Drossel.. Im glad that you are able to fix back the broken arm.. ^^

I almost wanted to buy Drossel due to her having twintail hair lolz..

Leonia said...

Beautiful pictures ! Drossel is my onlye figma and I am really happy to have him in my collection ^^

Phossil said...

@Yi: actually both arms are broken.

@Fariz Asuka: Its partially fixed. At the moment I only applied masking tape.

@Leonia: Congratz having Drossel as your first Figma. That says a lot about you! ^^

RyoBase said...

I'll wait for the next ten years and see if Drossel become movable like robot from i-robot.

Optic said...



Despite the broken joint, Drossel still got the moveeeeeeeeeee. xD

Anonymous said...

wow... u broke her arm... T_T.. sad to hear that.

but shoot look nice ^^.. hope u can 100% her joint ^^ gambatane !!

Jamaipanese said...

great pictures. Too bad I am unable to get a Drossel

Phossil said...

@Ryobase: Ten years? I think will be in about 5 years. Lol.

@Optic: And there's more motion. Lol.

@Razrig: Im working on it. I think I would need to drill a little.

@Jamaipanese: why is that? wallet or out of stock so soon?
