Shana in the beach

Lets see how Shana spent her day in the beach (the first of many more to come).

Have you noticed our beaches has black sand? Well, thats because there are some volcanoes nearby the area, so its volcanic sand.

This picture didnt turn out very well as I expected. Too much sun in Shana's face in my opinion but I liked because a ship was passing by in the background.

A close picture of merchant ship. We were kind of near the boat port.

What the sea brought to shore.

Shana is always pushing the next milestone in fashion.

See you next time.


bluedrakon said...

nice set of pic and love how Shana is trying to accessories.

What was that in the one shot - drift wood??

Nopy said...

I think those shades are a bit too big for Shana :P

Reltair said...

Lovely photos. I've never been to a beach with black sand before. Looks like fun!
