A week in Guatemala #4

Sorry for the lack of updates to the blog. Lately I have been busy at work trying to get running a website, but here we are and another interesting week has passed over this side of the planet:

First career day at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (ExpoUVG). First time to me to do a photoshoot of this college, expect the pictures in a later post.

Students showing off robotic projects.

Someday robots will rule the world!

Pharmaceutical students boot at ExpoUVG.

Moving on, we had our national day parade (Independence day).

Locals did a medium sized paper aerostat free balloon. Aerostat balloons use hot air to power themselves to get to the air.

This one is a small version, here are the bigger ones that carry people but the same physics laws apply.
and afterward we hade our parade!! (In case you were wondering, girlie wearing traditional costume for this day but in some regions this is everyday outfit).


bluedrakon said...

I want a robot to be my side kick!

Nopy said...

What are those things in the 6th image, they look like popsicles.

Reltair said...

Robotics is a really cool field, but difficult as well. I look forward to more advanced robots becoming commonplace in society though, that will be fun.

Phossil said...

@Bluedrakon: a boy robot, I pressume!

@Nopy: Yeah, they are popsicles but the kind you can only lick and not chew because they are hard as a stone.

@Reltair: A friend of mine had difficulties learning assembler (a programming language).
