
Here is a post and a pic of my current backbag. I use it for everyday work. I even carry my 15 inch laptop and camera in it but the truth is that I have it since high school and the pass of time has made some minor holes to my backbag.

Highlander is the trademark or the sticker in my backbag. Well, dont know if thats the real trademark but anyway I have some good memories of my backbag like my trips to Bogota and Panama.

Well, I think it is time for me to get a new backbag replacement. If only my backbag could talk. What amazing stories might tell. ^^

Why are we guys like this? waiting to the last word of things, using them like there is no tomorrow. This made me remember Gordonator socks.

Konata showing the rear damage level of my backbag.

Im considering to buy a new backbag where I can carry my stuff and gear, but Im thinking maybe to get a messenger bag. Which is better? back or messenger bag? I definetely dont plan to buy a laptop bag, because they are a little more big and very noticeable. I like casual backbag.

It’s either I need a new backbag or I need a girlfriend for this holidays.


Persocom said...

Looks like that bag is nearing it's deathbed. You can tell it lived a fulfilling life though for sure. I'd say give it a proper funeral, buy a new one and then get a girlfriend :P

Reltair said...

Getting the most out of our money.

Anonymous said...

Im going with the fact that you'll need a new bag!! ^^;

Yi said...

That thing is totally broken. You need a new backpack.

Phossil said...

@Persocom: Thats exactly what I am saying.

@Reltair: What if I sew the holes and extend her life? lol.

@zh3us: Black friday passed and I didnt got a new bag~

@Yi: Im looking for good holyday offers.

Sasha's Lab said...

Definitely get a new bag, and be charming to the sales girl. You might get both the bag and the girl! Also, messenger vs. backpack: go for the backpack if you carry heavy things for long periods of time. Shoulder straps are bad for your back under those circumstances.

blur said...

Is it just me, or does that bag actually looks comfy. -.-"

Phossil said...

@Sasha's lab: With my luck, probably I get a salesman. Lol.

@Blur: Thats why I posted the first pic, as a way to show that at first look my backbag looks comfy.

gordon said...

if the bag is still usable, i say continue to use it! ^^ i always like use stuffs that totally cannot be used anymore. a worn out bag is a testimonial of all the adventures both of u being through!

gordon said...

Oops some typos. i mean to say i like to use stuffs till they become totally cannot be used anymore.

please edit comment for me. thanks. ^^

Phossil said...

@Gordon: Dont worry I understand. (also my English isnt very good). Anyway I can still sew the holes. *considering as an option* Lol

Anonymous said...

^^; no idea my wallet is much betteri

Optic said...

U need a new bag so u can show it off to ur new gf. ;)

Just make ur bag a priority one before anything else. xD
