Evangelion 1.0

For all you Evangelion fans (myself included), the next month, next saturday to be more exactly, will be the official released of the first of four Rebuild of Evangelion movie set: Evangelion 1.0 You are (not) alone.

Hideaki Anno its, again, the director behind this masterpiece of Evangelion animation. The story will be a little differently against the final episodes from the series and the previous movie: The End of Evangelion. One of the main differences will be the animation style, now supported with CG elements, new backgrounds, places, characters and a new Evas re-design.

This new Evangelion movie set features new Nerv and Seele Logos also, with little different improves to the old ones, but i think these ones are not the final and official versions from the movie. If they are, well, i think i prefer the old ones, except for the Seele logo wich seems cool.

I cant wait to see this new 4 Evangelion animated movies. Now what about the live action movie??

Official Evangelion website

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